Friday, May 24, 2013

Life Lessons from the Sea #1: Slow down and soak it in

Racing to the Sea

I’ve always been a water bug. Maybe it’s because I’m a Pisces. Maybe it’s just because. My earliest memories involve running through sprinklers, swimming in Lake Cumberland, and playing with my family at the pool. 

As a youth, I vowed never to give in to swimsuit-a-phobia. I swore not to miss out just because I didn’t like how I looked in my suit. I’ll admit, that vow’s been tested a time or two in my adult years.Still, I trek to the pond, the pool, the lake whenever time allows. Sometimes I slog barefoot through streams, even when there’s a bridge. But the best swim of all is in the ocean. 

During grad school, my hubby and I lived twenty minutes from the Pacific. We spent as much time there as possible, acquainting our first born with the joys of the sea. She took to it quickly. When she first learned to walk, she’d drop to her knees as soon as we reached the beach. Crawling got her to the water faster.

Her little hiney would bounce up and down as she crawled, full speed, toward the crashing waves. That eagerness for adventure perfectly characterizes her. Over the next few years, we enjoyed countless hours near the ocean, skipping through the water, shrieking and laughing when it caught us by surprise. 

In my memory, our time seaside stands still. That’s one of the beauties of the sea, a slowing of life, so that you can truly take in its value and its beauty.

Since then, each of our children has experienced the ocean, at least briefly, despite living in landlocked Oklahoma. When we can’t manage to get away, we savor sunsets over Sailboat Bridge or watch a sliver of lake glitter through our back window.

So, to celebrate my love for all things sea-related, I’m beginning a blog series, to be posted each Friday—Life Lessons from the Sea.

I hope you will enjoy this as much as I do. 

What are some of your favorite water-related memories?  


  1. I love the ocean. I have been blessed to live in Oregon, where it's easy to get to the beach. I even lived in a coastal town for three years. It's such a peaceful experience to just sit on the beach and watch the waves. I look forward to your series.

    1. Thanks so much for your comments and for the follow! What a blessing that you've been able to spend so much time at the beach. I love every moment I get to spend near the ocean.

  2. Oh, how fun! I have amazing memories hanging out at SeaWorld as a child and witnessing the splendor of the beautiful animals. As an adult, I enjoy seeing my own children experience the wonders of water. They crave it. I look forward to your series! :)

    1. It is truly wonderful to see our own children finding joy in things that we love so much. I hope you'll enjoy my series :)

  3. I've lived within a half hour of the Pacific all my life, and it has always been the place I go when I need to unwind, clear my head or just spend some time alone. I totally relate to what you're saying and could never live too far from this touchstone.

    1. I wish I lived closer to the ocean. It's such a great place to relax and examine our life priorities. Thanks for you comments!

  4. Like you, I love the ocean. Perhaps it's because I lived on two different islands in my growing up years. I have great memories of sitting on a peninsula of rocks, just watching and hearing the waves crashing against them. Loved this post and look forward to the series.

    1. I want to hear all about your two different island, Nancy! It's so good to hear from you :)
