Friday, June 27, 2014

My Writing Process Blog Tour

writer and quillRecently, my writer friend, Letty Stapp Watt, invited me to join in a blog tour. This is my first time to participate in one of these and I am excited! On this tour, we are exploring the writing craft by answering three key questions then inviting three friends to do the same. More from those three friends later…

For now, check out Letty’s blog for a slice of creative retired life sprinkled with book reviews, history, and inspiration.

What am I working on?

I’m completing final edits on a middle-grade underwater fantasy. Because of this, I spend most my time drifting through the Pacific Ocean, charging into submerged volcanoes, and wrestling giant squid. At least I pretend I do. Over the past few years, I have done a bit of snorkeling and learned to SCUBA. Not quite the same as facing down a water demon or angry shark but it gets me in the mood.

I’m also partway through a novel featuring an orphaned gypsy girl who must choose between breaking the curse that fell on her when her family died or saving her only friend. Although this book differs from traditional Romani culture, their rich traditions of music, trade, and travel pervade the story, along with a hint of magic.

Why do I write what I do?

In fiction, I strive to craft a compelling world (usually fantasy) where my readers can find a second home. I love reading books that fill my senses, that make me feel as if I’m really there. I long to slip into a story then return to real life feeling invigorated and relieved that the demons I battle can’t actually burn me to a crisp. I hope my stories provide a way for people to face danger and learn that they are stronger and braver than they realized.

My nonfiction writing revolves around themes of gratitude, humor, and inspiration. I strive to bring beauty, peace, and joy to my readers. Life is full of tough choices and challenging experiences. I hope my writing can, in some way, lighten the load we all must bear.

What is my writing process?

My writing process is an ever-changing beast, sometimes growling at me from under my bed or luring me back to my desk with purring and leg rubbing. Okay, maybe I’m in fantasyland on that last part, but what better place for a writer to be? Whenever I start a new project, I spend a hefty amount of time brainstorming and outlining my planned story and character arcs. I’ve found great inspiration from interviewing my characters. You’d be surprised what secrets lurk in their histories if you just take the time to ask. When on the fly, I jot down ideas on my phone or on whatever scrap of paper I have nearby then organize them on my computer later.

Then, when I sit down to write, my mutinous characters try to take over. The plotter in me itches to retake control and sometimes I do. But my free spirit (you know, the one that leads me down unmarked paths and up into climbing trees) loves to see what mysteries and adventures they discover. This sometimes leaves me dazed and pulling my hair out trying to make my plot work. But it also results in exciting twists, layers of meaning, and complex characters. I just have to find a balance that doesn’t threaten my sanity!

With six kids, two part-time jobs, church service, and volunteering, it’s tough to find time for my writing career. During the school year I try to have my fingers at the keyboard crafting new worlds by 9 each morning. Even though I must be flexible, the schedule motivates me so that I rise early enough and move fast enough to finish jogging, chores, and our family devotional in time to actually get in some writing. On most days, I take my computer everywhere so I can sneak in a few moments of writing at ballparks, while waiting at school, doctor’s offices, or in any unexpected downtime. Summer throws my schedule into a tailspin, so I just write whenever I get the chance.

But I write.

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