Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Trick-or-TreatTreasure Hunt Poem

Here's a silly poem I wrote for a treat hunt for my daughter's Halloween party tonight. Each stanza is a riddle based on clues around my house. Answers follow. Feel free to adapt to your own party! Happy Haunting!

Witches cackle
Black cats pounce
Find me where
The ghoulies bounce!

Spiders, skulls
And creepy lights
Show you to the
Treats tonight!

Spooky goblins
On the snoop
Discover clues
Beneath a hoop.

Glowing pumpkin,
Fingers dancing.
Find me where
You play and sing.

Monster walk
Around the yard
The clue’s in front
It’s not hard!

Witch’s brew
Zombie cake
Find the TREAT
Where goodies bake!

Answers: trampoline, skull on my table, basketball hoop, piano, front door, oven


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