Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Watery Fun as the Warm Season Winds Down

            Today is likely the last really warm day of the year here in Oklahoma. I celebrated by enjoying a boat-making contest with my daughter’s GT class. The kids plunked soda cans into their duct-tape-and- coat-hanger boats to see whose would hold the most before sinking. I’m proud to say that while my sweetie didn’t win, her craft held 21 cans! It was a fun way to enjoy the unseasonable warmth, out on the playground, splashing around in a bin of cool water.
            On Monday night, a lightning strike overloaded our well’s electrical pump, so we had no water on Tuesday. I sent my eldest son to fill a five-gallon cooler from a neighboring well. Barely an hour before company was to arrive, our pump was repaired and water flowed through our pipes (hooray…cooking and cleaning now possible!) I decided to use the five gallons of water for lemonade, but just minutes before our friends arrived, I noticed dirt swirling in the bottom of the container.  So I tried pouring it into the sink. By myself. Bad decision.
I ended up dumping about one gallon down the sink and the other four down my front. Our friends arrived before I’d finished cleaning up the flood and admired me for multi-tasking—cooking, cleaning, and bathing all at the same time! I will admit, the dousing was a welcome relief from our current heat wave!
What watery fun will you miss most as the weather turns cold?


  1. I guess I will miss our apartment pool but honestly, I REALLY love the cold weather so it won't be missed too terribly much. Now, if the kids weren't in school then I would miss that pool tremendously. It was a GREAT way to entertain the kids this summer :)

  2. I like the style of my boat. Zebra is my favorite pattern.
